Here are seven key reasons why the best tennis players win more matches (succeed)
- A successful players know that they don’t have to play well to win, they have to compete well to win.
- A successful tennis player understands that they will have a bad days, and also they know how to overcome those bad situations.
- They understand that success does not lie in a one big win against a big player or losing against lower ranked player, It lies in consistent and progressive approach towards the goal by controlinng their emotions and mindset in negetive and positive situations.
- A successful athlete does not spend their time comparing themselves or current level to their greatest ever performance.
- The success of a tennis player lies in their ability to play ‘well enough’ to pull out a win on that day. They understand it gives them another day and chance to make it better!
- They do not ruin their chances of winning or playing better (even when playing poorly) by letting a bad call, negative mindset, or bad attitude get in the way.
- A successful athlete accepts that they are not going to perform their best level every time they step onto the court, track or playing field, they accept that and plan accordingly.
1 Comment
Well said Suresh sir. Completely agree to all the points. This will help me when playing tournaments.
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