AthrvaPatel #AsianSeries #Quarterfinals #6thposition #U14 We congratulate Atharva Patel for showing one of the best performance as he reached into the quarter finals and secured 6th position in Asian Series…
AshishParmar #WorldChampionship #Miami #USA #ThisOctober We feel extremely proud to inform you all that Our Mentor and mostly known as Mr Fit – Ashish Parmar has been selected by AITA…
Honoured #PTR #PresidentsAward #India2019 Contact Suresh Maurya for PTR president of the year 2019. Keep up the good work! Suresh Maurya says he is truly honoured to receive the “PTR…
We congratulate Guneet Sahni and Kushang shah for their excellent performance in All india championship series tennis tournament held in Jaipur Rajsthan. Gunnet Sahni and Kushang wins doubles title in…
We congratulate Kavya Patel for wining AITA CS7 doubles title in Jaipur today. We Alka re so proud of you. Keep up the good work. Best wishes
We congratulate Kushang shah for showing one of the best performance in All india Champion series tennis tournament held in Jaipur! we all are so proud of you ! Keep…