Congratulations #ParvShah #Winner #AitaTS7 We congratulate Parv shah for winning runners up title in singles and Winning doubles title along with his best friend Ved Gajiwala in Aita TS 7…
Congratulations #AdityaNair #WinnerU12 #RunnersUpU14 #CS7Sonipat #AitaTournament We congratulate Aditya Nair for winning under 12 title and securing runners positions in under 14 in Champion series 7 days tournament held at…
NeonBadmintonAcademy #Ahmedabad #Gujarat #NeonSportsAcademy Ahmedabad city’s extraordinary multi-sport academy is all set to add another sporting facility in its vibrant sporting arena. Neon Sports Academy will commence the academy for…
Congratulations #Champions #GujaratStateOpen KamakshDave #Mens #SinglesTitle We congratulate to Kamaksh Dave for winning men’s singles title in Gujarat State open tennis tournament. Well done Kamaksh and keep up the good…
We congratulate Aditya Nair and proud parents, for winning under 12 and 14 singles title in Gujarat open tennis tournament held in Ahmedabad. Well done Aditya, keep up the good…
VaheenPatel #TeamMembers #GujaratPanthers #TennisPremierLeague #Season2 We congratulate Vaheen Patel for his excellent performance at “Talent Day” and confirming his spot in the Gujarat Panthers Tennis team for one of the…